Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I go from room to room in the wee hours of the morning.
At night, my husband is the tucker, rarely do I see them this way.  Peace.  Quiet.  Not one of my children speak these words other than when they sleep.

Every room, one light is on.  One glow to dispel the darkness.  I notice how the oldest keeps the bathroom light on as well.  He wants something to guide his journey,  don’t we all?

I notice how the littlest has a light far from her bed.  She loves to watch the shadows fall.  The older ones keep the light close to their bed to read yes, but to keep the shadows at bay.  Don’t we all?

We fight darkness.  I wonder, does the fight lessen as we age or is it our weapons that magnify?  We understand words like warfare.  We don’t like the words any better, but we are more equipped, more willing to stand in darkness.  We seem more assured that eventually the light will dawn.  It always does.  We know that and it changes things.

Isn’t that the essence of everything,  knowing that no matter how dark the day, the hour, the heart, light does come.

The darkest of soil brings blossoms.
The darkest of nights brings the sun.
The darkest of moods can still muster a smile.
The darkest of hours can still find moments of joy.

God placed a sun in the center of everything to remind us He is always there, He is always light, He is always good and that nothing, except for His faithfulness and His love will last forever.

So, we persevere.  We muddle through tripping over things in the dark of our souls to find Him and knowing once we reach Him, peace will dawn. Suddenly the solution is not the answer, it is the warmth of His presence.  The knowing that it is not I, but we.

Understanding that the journey is truly the end and the destination is the beginning.

Children of Light He calls us.
We stand in His glory.  We reflect His goodness.
He grafts us in to a holy place where darkness must ask permission.

“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord.  So live as people of light!  For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.”  Eph 5:8-9

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