Monday, January 16, 2017

30 - Day 16

The little girl asks where the sun has gone. Morning is already looking at noon when she notices.

"It is hidden under the clouds,"   I explain. She refuses to believe me. I get that, in the face of darkness or disappointment or fear or frustration, it is terrifically hard to see light.

I promise her it is there. I promise her there is a Jesus that allows the earth to see the sun and the moon every single day and I know in my heart darkness cannot remain.

The problem, the worry, the angst that forces sleeping eyes open; it may cast a shadow but once embraced by light, light embraces us as well. We are embraced by a plan bigger than ours with a purpose great and a hope larger than life itself.


  1. I may not always click "like" on these little posts of yours but rest assured, they are always read and enjoyed and often are thought provoking! Thank you
