Sunday, January 10, 2016

Devotion 362 - beauty

So the little girl comes down from her very late afternoon nap.  Somewhere I missed the fact that she had slept through supper.  Sometimes we exchange sanity for schedule.  This was one of those times. 

She strolled through the kitchen and saw it.  Her prize, her Christmas playhouse was moved and packed and stacked out of the way.
The tears began.

I explained how it got in the way of the kitchen chairs at supper.  Her castle had become a village and then a town and then a field for all the little ponies she possesses.  It had simply gotten too big.  So her brother, obeying my wishes, moved and stacked and perhaps threw a few of the littler pieces.

I didn’t think much of it at first.  We would rebuild and relocate and re-purpose, yet over and over again she began,  “But, it’s not like it was before.”  We certainly didn’t realize the prior castle had any order or importance in its arrangement.

First I scolded, this was entirely too much drama for me; but as she sulked something in my spirit stirred.

I had just read in a Christian news article that only 5% of women find themselves beautiful.  I am not sure why but I could not release this statistic off my mind.  Ghastly I find this.

And as I saw my baby girl red faced and forlorn, I realized something she found beautiful and enchanting was gone and she craved to have it back.
It is the job of parents to find beauty for our children, to point them to beauty to introduce the author and creator of beauty.   

Perhaps we shouldn’t find beauty in toys, but somewhere in their toys an imagination is born.  It is that imagination that sees Kings and princesses and can understand the royalty they have inherited through the Savior.

We thank God for our toys; we thank Him when we have a lovely day or a delicious meal.  Why then, when the toys have long been packed away, when age necessitates the forfeiture of things done for us for things done by us, do we stop finding beauty?

Why at the start of the year does every ad show abs and exercise bikes and little mats that lay on the floor?  I have no trouble lying on the floor without spending twenty dollars on plastic mats.
Why do only 5% of women polled worldwide for a Christian publication find themselves beautiful? Where is it that we derive our definition? Are we to look like magazine covers?  Are we to spend our time focused on the physical?  Have we so failed that 95% of us shame what it is God has allowed us to have?

I have complained, dear one, I have.  I have walked extra miles to encourage away extra pounds.  I have grimaced when the scale has not agreed with my goal. And I have also stolen time staring at the outside; forgetting where true everlasting beauty resides.

The lies we have been told and worse believed. I will never underestimate the value of health; it is a gift to be treasured and nurtured, but our joy and our reverence for beauty must literally be turned inside out.

  What needs to change inside?   I believe it is inside that true beauty grows.  The beautification of the soul is a life long journey.  It is the tending of a garden that can wither with inattention or blossom with prayer, trust, rest and the planting of hope.
From here new life emerges, from here beauty is born.
The life with the Spirit is one fraught with adventure and discovery.  It is also adorned with beauty.

It is understanding that the vision of God is the vision of the heart.  It has little to do with what we do, how we look, and how others see us.  It has absolutely everything to do with the fabric of our souls.  It is the strength of the thread of scripture that has sewn our faith and the colors of trust we have chosen as we embrace both the lovely and the ugly.

So we take that long gaze in the mirror.  Do we choose to reflect Cosmopolitan or the Creator? The journey to beauty begins like any other, one tiny step followed by another and yet more.  

Perhaps yours will begin in the Word, perhaps mine in prayer, perhaps ours will be in transparency with one another.  

Perhaps the life that looks most together is the one that needs a word of encouragement, an offer of prayer, a heartfelt hug.

We rebuild the castle.  The beauty has been there all along.  The Holy Spirit residing within, He is extraordinary; He is beauty.
He takes the torn up, used up, worn out and weaves purpose, peace and beauty in the fragile rags of life. 
Behold, He sees great things and so will you.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  Ecc. 3:11

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