Sunday, October 4, 2015

Devotion 348 - I like you

It was a typical Monday morning.  Every one bustling around the house, looking for shoes and school bags. This odd little oddity of the week that has gotten such a bad name; these Mondays have recently become one of my favs.

Monday is chapel day.  My husband and all my littles leave simultaneously to go worship at school.  It casts such a sweet spell over everyone.  For a short moment, they are all working together, pulling in the same direction, all united in one goal. I get to sit on the sidelines.  My sole responsibility is kissing cheeks.  I am the spectator.  It is sweet.

I kissed my youngest, wished her a wonderful day and I grabbed my teacup.  I would have ten marvelous moments of quiet before my work day officially began.  Then from the doorway, the wee voice I love so dearly said, “Bye Mama and I like you.”
I turned wondering if I had really heard what my mind thought it had.  We are a family who loves; rarely do I even contemplate the word “like.”  To confirm my suspicion, I said, “I like you too.”  And she smiled,  BIG.
For years I have taught Sunday school.  For years, I have taught the song, “Jesus Loves Me.”  Rarely have I ever thought that maybe we should be teaching “Jesus likes you.” 
Because Beloved, He does.

I think down deep in all our hearts we know He is crazy in love with us.  Who truly would put up with us?  But I am convinced way down in my socks that He likes us too.  I am also convinced I need to treat Him like I like Him too.

It is different. 

My daughter likes her Daddy.  Who wouldn’t?  He is funny; he tells wild delightful stories and puts chores to music.  Ava likes her sister who dresses her up likes a princess and plays all sorts of wild imaginative games.  She adores her oldest brother who buys her frappucinos and her other brother, well, he will stop everything to watch a show, even Barney with her.

But me,  why in the world would she like me.  I have yet to agree to frosting for breakfast.  I insist on brushed teeth and bedtimes.  I have more than once insisted the itchy pants be worn to school.  I offer fruit instead of chips in all almost all instances of snack time and I detangle her hair.  But she said it,  she “likes” me.

I love God.  I talk to Him at length every morning.  I list things I am thinking about and sometimes I plead.  I can tell you stories of when out of the depths of my heart I have yelled and begged.  Yet, because He likes me, He has put up with me.  And in His infinite mercy, He has shown me how His good was far better than mine.

I am convinced He could love us enough to save us and to spare us from sin, but there is so very much more.
He wants to hang with us.   Is that not a friend?  He declares in His word that He withholds NO good or precious gift. He asks that we not worry.  That dear one is a true friend.   I like Him too.

Where I struggle and perhaps you do too…is trusting this friend.  Really trusting means more than words it is taking your heart and handing its dark and heaviest parts over to Him.
You see there are things and people and relationships I have tried to control so long I am having trouble giving them away. They have become my go to list of things I pray for as if I am asking permission to control and manipulate them some more.

I wonder why God is silent.  It is not His silence that is the issue, it is my question.  He is waiting until I give up and give in and give over and leave behind and walk away and watch Him work in my life and in my situations where I have clutched so deep, my knuckles are still white and my fingerprints are still visible.

I am learning.  I am learning I like Him.
I am learning to shut up and let Him talk.
I am learning to stay quiet long enough to listen.
He is waiting.  He is waiting for you and for me to be still.
He is never far, and truly never silent.  It is us that distance our hearts and deafen our ears.
Behold the beauty of this friend Beloved. 

For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
The Lord will give grace and glory;
No good thing will He withhold
From those who walk uprightly. 
Psalm 84:11

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