Sunday, June 28, 2015

Devotion 334 - windows

Someone once said that comparison is the thief of joy.
I agree.

But if comparison is the thief, expectation is its accomplice.
Many years ago I sat under the teaching of a wise woman of God.
She warned us, many of us young wives, to not expect hot tea on the nightstand or laundry done after work, and we would never be disappointed.
 I have come to know this truth.  When my children greet me with a love letter, when my husband returns home from errands with a decaf with extra cream, I am wildly delighted, mostly because I have expected neither.

I truly thought after many years of trying not to compare and striving not to have expectations, I was maturing in these philosophies.  But, I am learning oh so painfully that expectations creep up and sideswipe me.  The adage is no less true that they can steal our joy, but if truly uncovered left for the soul to view, we can learn something from them.

We were preparing to go abroad.  When I travel I do two things.  I put a new notebook in my purse to write down everything and anything that comes to mind.  These are the precious times in life I am with my family 24-hours each day without a work schedule.  We endeavor together to see and learn.  I make it a practice to write down things I see, places that delight my children, and unexpected blessings.

Secondly, I tend to lecture my children before we load into the car or board a plane.  I remind them they are citizens of a wonderful country and one they should proudly represent.  I also remind them they are children of God and it will be our actions rather than our words that minister to those about us.

In short, I have expectations.  I expect them to listen, to obey and to be respectful in all circumstances.  This beautiful trip of ours took us to wonderful villages, outdoor markets and had us trying delicious gourmet foods.

We found a tiny market full of beautiful linens, wonderful art and extraordinary food.  I seemed to tarry at every vendor.  My 12-year old son valiantly took hold of the stroller and my 5-year. 
It seemed every time I turned, my ankles rubbed up against the wheels.  Finally I turned and implored him to park on the outside of the linen curtains that separated the tiny shops and wait as I lost myself in fabric and the scent of lavender.

Within minutes I heard a huge crash.  I looked for my children.  Then I saw a policeman.  I saw none of my children near the policeman but the image of him led me to glass shattered all about the cement.  The officer paced back and forth looking up high at the building bordering the market and the ground below his feet.
I realized he was standing exactly where I had asked two of my children to wait.
My husband made his way towards me pointing above.  A window had fallen out of its frame three stories above.  He knew like I now did that our daughter and son had been standing exactly there just seconds before.

I instantly found Beau.  I asked why he had moved.  He was oblivious to the shattered glass.  He apologized.  He knew of my strict expectations of obedience.  He said, “Mom, I had to move.”  I took him to the glass.  I told him what might have happened.  I reminded him that my words and expectations mean nothing compared to the will and direction of the Holy Spirit and we both had tears in our eyes at this most gentle and divine act of providence.

We face uncertain days beloved.  Days where governments and courts say and do things that are not aligned with the Holy Word of God and we pause and wonder what the Father expects of us.

I think or perhaps I hope He is much like the mother or father gently guiding their children.  He has great blessings in store, He has great lessons to teach, He has great hopes for the lives we lead as we endeavor to mirror His son.  Yet there are days we mess up.  There are days we forget His words and His hand and His sovereignty and our lives suddenly crash around us.

And we run scared.  

We remember our plans must submit to His will.  Our hopes must be authored by His Word and our lives should be a reflection of the glory that shines in our very souls.
His tenderness towards His children is far wider and deeper and sweeter than any we might imagine.  We can never expect enough of Him as He is far more wonderful than we can comprehend.
He looks down from the window of heaven and gently takes our hands.  We need only reach and expect He will indeed never leave nor forsake us.

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.    Psalm 62:5

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