Sunday, April 19, 2015

Devotion 324 - choose beautiful

didn't know them.

I had never seen them before in my life, but I was so glad they were there.  As if we had intended to meet, they drove up just in front of me.  They parked on the side of the road just like me and they exited their car.  I waited just another minute to make sure their purpose was the same as my own.

Yes,  it was.  I could tell as the gentleman exited his car, leaned slow and soft against the door and took it all in.

Beauty,  sometimes we choose it.

The woman then exited the car.  Now it seemed it was a party and I quickly opened my door.   I listened as if I was stealing the moment as the husband described it for her.  

“You see hon,  I drove passed it yesterday,  can you believe we have been missing this for twenty years??”

I smiled wondering how many times, how many moments, how many years I have spent missing beauty. 

I helped my little girl out of the car.  I grabbed my camera.  The wife immediately noticed us.  “You were smart to bring your camera!!”  

She yelled.    I loved that.  You see somehow I felt I was about to steal some beauty, but she gave it to me with her permission.  She thought she knew me,  thought we went to church together.  “No, I told her.” and filled her in on our church home and that this little field, it’s our tradition. 

Every year about this time, Ava and I steal up here to grab an eyeful of beauty.  How I wish every day I did the same.
My children get up on any given school day and I remind them, 
“Choose your attitude.”

An hour or two later and confronted with hundreds of emails my words echo back.  Choose… choose…….choose

The amazing glorious gift we were given at the beginning of time,  CHOICE

Life is an overwhelming impossibly grand series of choices.  Oh, there are the biggees, the ones about school and marriage and home and work,  but in between all those milestones there are a million more, daily daunting choices that when added up equal life.

I have cautioned as long as I have been a mother to “choose well.”
I say it as they leave to play with friends, as they take a difficult test or face an infuriating trial.

But of late, inspired by nothing more than a soap commercial, I have come to realize the choice really boils down to two.

We can choose ugly or we can choose

Beautiful is the big giant cupcake that rests below the frosting and creates the sweetness of life.

In everything, in every moment, we can choose beautiful.
When we sense the choke hold of the urgent, can we choose to feel His fingertips guiding us and holding firm?

In the face of life, do we scream UNFAIR, or do we listen to the still small voice that reminds His ways are not our ways?

Do we look in the mirror or step on the scale to define our worth, or do we look at the cross and whisper unworthy?

Do we seek the wisdom of the Word or do we listen to the constant noise of distraction, discouragement and disaster?

Do we look at our children emptied by the drain of competition and remind them they are more than enough through Christ Jesus?

Do we slam angry fists when tears flow or do we say thank you to Him for the weeping; resting in the promise that joy will come with the morning?

Do we run and chase with the fad of fashion or the promise of miracles , or do we rest in the creation of us by the Miracle worker?

  Do we recognize our weaknesses were divinely designed to complement His strengths?

Do we lose ourselves in today and forget to cast our eyes on the eternal?

Do we insist on bouquets of happiness and ease or do we find contentment in dandelions and divine?

Do we close our eyes from the ugly that paints the world or do we open them and choose beautiful?

As you see your son or daughter, your grandchild or niece so it is that He sees us Beloved.  Not only does He see us;  He chose us and called us masterpiece.  We work in the tableau of His design to reveal the color of His blood and the depth of His mercy.

Choose Beautiful Beloved for He has chosen you.

Do not be conformed by this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2

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